BC: Gregor's Vacancy Tax Will Be A Red Tape Nightmare

Author: Jordan Bateman 2016/07/12

Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson got his wish yesterday – the BC Government decided to allow him to bring in a tax on vacant homes and condos. Now he’s like the dog who caught the car – it’s clear he has no idea how to structure such a tax.

When bureaucracy mounts and enforcement proves unworkable, I think Vancouver taxpayers taxpayers will rue day he suggested it. Think of the red tape he’ll need:

  • What defines “vacant”?
  • Does an AirBnB one-night rental restart the “vacancy” clock?
  • Won’t the courts overturn this infringement on private property rights?
  • Will he need a snitch line?
  • Won’t tax avoiders game the system if hydro or water usage is monitored?
  • Why stop there? Why not tax people with empty suites or empty bedrooms?
  • How can they prove a home has been vacant for whatever period of time they settle on?
  • What will the fine be?
  • What about snowbirds, people on long trips, homes locked up in court battles over divorce, homes awaiting a will to be read/executed, people who travel for business?
  • What about strata rules forbidding rentals?
  • How many bureaucrats will be needed to enforce this?

Gregor should punt on this stupid idea and save his taxpayers the time, money and trouble.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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